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Government to legalize 700 fake vehicle domains sold illegally

Minister Mohamed Ameen has revealed last night that half of the vehicle domain numbers sold during former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s administration were not authentic and that efforts to legalize these domains will begin in the next twenty days.

Ameera Osmanagic
30 April 2024, MVT 15:54
Ahaa Program / Ministers / Mohamed Ameen
Ameera Osmanagic
30 April 2024, MVT 15:54

Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mohamed Ameen has revealed last night that half of the vehicle domain numbers sold during former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s administration were not authentic and that efforts to legalize these domains will begin within the upcoming 20 days.

The Minister’s comments were made in response to a question asked by a youth during the ‘Ahaa’ [ask/listen] forum held last night which is a government initiative to directly ask questions to the president, ministers and other government officials.

The question aimed at the Minister clarified why domain numbers are now not being sold, when previously they were sold at very high prices.

Minister Ameen explained that selling domains was put a stop to during the previous administration after the President’s Office ordered the Transport Ministry to put a pause on it. He detailed that this was done due to major issues identified with the domain numbers.

Selling domains was stopped in August of last year.

However, he added that while there are people who provide services after obtaining domains through legal channels, he does not believe that those people should suffer the consequences of others’ mistakes.

As such, the government continues to provide services to those who are doing it legally, said the Minister.

Detailing the extent of the unauthentic domain sale, Minister Ameen revealed that out of the 1400 domains being used in the Maldives 50 percent are fake, which amounts of 700 domains.

“The previous government stopped the domain services due to the issues within the Transport Ministry which took this matter to level. However, the policy our government came on and believes is that there should be no services which should be stopped to those who operate within the bounds of the law just because certain people made blunders,” he said.

In fact, some domains were sold in collusion with Transport Ministry staff, he said. These ‘fake’ domain numbers which were obtained illegally were then issued to second and third parties at very high rates. Since these parties were also deceived in the process, the government has decided to give them the opportunity to validate the numbers, said Minister Ameen.

“When government documents are created because of the wrongdoings of certain people, every Maldivian wouldn’t have the time to do such huge verifications. So we are trying to fit those people into the system in a way that they do not face a loss,” he said.

“When government documents are created because of the wrongdoings of certain people, every Maldivian wouldn’t have the time to do such huge verifications. So we are trying to fit those people into the system in a way that they are not face a loss,” he said.

Minister Ameen promised to resolve the domain issue within the next six months.