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Indian man accused of stabbing wife while she was asleep

13 March 2022, MVT 14:59
(FILE) A street blocked off by Maldives Police Service: - Photo: Mihaaru (FILE) A street blocked off by Maldives Police Service: - Photo: Mihaaru
(FILE) A street blocked off by Maldives Police Service: - Photo: Mihaaru
13 March 2022, MVT 14:59

Indian man has been accused of stabbing his wife while she was asleep.

Police started investigating the case between Srinivasan Subramani and his wife on February 2, when he was accused of stabbing his wife following a physical altercation between them. He was arrested that day.

Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) pressed charges against him last week, accusing him of stabbing with a sharp object.

The charges pressed against him states that he had stabbed his wife while she was asleep in the sitting room of the apartment.

The knife was not removed when she was taken to the hospital. Videos that circulated online showed her clothes being drenched with blood while the woman cried in agony.

Subramani's detention period has been extended by another ten days on March 10 as well.

He was also stabbed in the stomach in this incident. While he told the police he shallow wound was made by himself, he had said it was his wife that had stabbed him at the hospital.

The police had previously told in court that he had stabbed himself when the police had arrived on the scene, and he had said he harmed himself because he was scared of the police.

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