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MoniCon orders issued once again

Anaan Bushry
25 June 2023, MVT 18:32
Anaan Bushry
25 June 2023, MVT 18:32

Home Minister Imran Abdulla announced the implementation of MoniCon ankle bracelets (tags) on criminals on June 24, in accordance with the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Act. Some individuals with a history of serious crimes have also been tagged in the past.

Minister Imran said that although the use of modern tagging facilities was initially introduced under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, the government plans to implement the use of MoniCon in other areas of the justice system as well.

He said that the implementation of ankle bracelets aims to alleviate the strain on overcrowded prisons. The Minister assured that the administrative and enforcement challenges faced in previous attempts to tag criminals will be effectively resolved this time.

The MoniCon order is issued by the High Court, based on the Home Minister’s proposals, to monitor the activities of dangerous suspects.