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Eve Clinic resumes Aasandha service provision

For consultations, Eve Clinic can be contacted via Viber at 7900788.

Malika Shahid
17 October 2024, MVT 12:13
Eve Clinic -- Photo: Eve Clinic
Malika Shahid
17 October 2024, MVT 12:13

Eve Clinic has resumed offering Aasandha services to its customers.

The clinic, which draws a large number of visitors daily, provides treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.

Services provided by Eve Clinic include:

- Cardiology

- Dental Care

- Dermatology

- Endocrinology

- E.N.T

- General Practice

- Internal Medicine

- Laboratory Services

- Nephrology

- Neurology

- Obstetrics and Gynecology

- Orthopedics

- Pediatrics

- Physiotherapy

- Psychiatry

- Psychotherapy

- Radiology and Ultrasound Scan

- Respiratory Medicine

- Urology

- Surgery

Eve Clinic is set to expand its services with the official opening of its "West Park" wing on November 1.

For consultations, Eve Clinic can be contacted via Viber at 7900788.

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