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Saahil retracts statements in Shiau murder case

he judge announced the completion of the preliminary stages for these two charges, and the trial will proceed with statements and the collection of testimonies.

Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 09:47
Saahil, has five charges levied against him, including murder with intent
Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 09:47

Saahil Ali, accused of the brutal murder of Shiau Mohammed Saeed inside a house in Male', has retracted his statements made to the police and requested that they not be accepted by the court.

Saahil, a resident of Faafu atoll Nilandhoo, faces five charges, including murder and causing serious bodily harm. The trial, held behind closed doors, has seen Saahil deny the charges by refusing to give a clear response. No defense evidence has been presented in relation to the charges against him.

During the trial, Saahil denied the statements he gave during the investigation, asking the court not to accept them. The prosecution has requested to take secret testimonies from certain witnesses, and the court has given an opportunity for any submissions before these testimonies are collected.

In addition to the murder charges, Saahil is also being tried for possession of pornographic material and use of cannabis. The judge announced the completion of the preliminary stages for these two charges, and the trial will proceed with opening statements and the collection of testimonies.

Despite being offered legal representation by the Attorney General's Office twice at state expense, Saahil refused both lawyers, stating he would represent himself in court.

He has previously refused to speak in court, but the judge has ruled that he is capable of answering the charges.

Due to Saahil's lack of cooperation with his state appointed lawyers, the Attorney General's Office has decided not to provide him with further legal representation at state expense.

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