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Voting process going smooth, no major issues: EC

Ameera Osmanagic
21 April 2024, MVT 16:29
Majilis Election 2024, - Photo: Fayaz Moosa / Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
21 April 2024, MVT 16:29

Elections Commission (EC) of Maldives has said that the voting process of the ongoing Parliamentary Elections of the country is going on smoothly without any major issues.

Speaking to Mihaaru, EC Member Hassan Zakariyya said that the voting process is being carried out peacefully both in the Maldives and abroad. He added that no reports of major incidents have been raised of as yet and that the voter turnout is also satisfactory at this time.

“No major problems have been identified so far, and we hope to continue like this until 17:30,” Zakariyya said.

However, he did mention minor issues taking place at some voting centers such as shaking hands with incoming voters outside of the polling stations and putting in the ballots in a way that reveals the vote.

While this election will see parliament members being elected to a total of 93 constituencies, 368 candidates are contesting for these seats.

As of the latest voter turnout statistics released by Elections Commission, a total of 160,158 people have cast their votes by 15:00. Voting will continue until 17:30 Maldives time in all 602 voting centers, which includes polling stations in Malaysia, Sri Lanka and India.

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