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Education Ministry to increase A level students, provide work experience

Education Minister Dr Ismail Shafeeu believes that the number of A' Level students in the country need to be increased and that they need to be given more practical experience.

Ameera Osmanagic
26 May 2024, MVT 15:51
[File] Students of Villa International High School -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
26 May 2024, MVT 15:51

Education Minister Dr Ismail Shafeeu, speaking on the occasion of the new academic year, said that efforts will be made to increase the number of students who join A' Level studies after completing their O' Levels. The Ministry added that they will also provide work experience for students.

In his speech, Minister Shafeeu highlighted the importance of providing opportunities for students to pursue their education in various fields, including academics, sports, and practical work.

"As the first step towards arranging matters towards this path, [we] are working on increasing the number of students who join the A' Level stage, and running programmes designed to provide education and experience for those students in various technical areas in the near future," the Minister said.

The most important aspect required to make this successful, the Minister said, is strengthening the bond between parents and schools. As such, he said that he hopes that this academic year will see the strengthening of that relationship and streamlined focus towards the betterment and advancement of students.

The last A' Level examination held in Maldives saw a total of 3,268 students sit the exam in 45 centres across the country. That includes three centres in Malé and 42 centres in the rest of the country.

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