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Foreigner fishing near Dhangethi passes away after being struck by speedboat

Malika Shahid
01 June 2024, MVT 11:04
Alif Dhaalu  atoll Dhangethi Alif Dhaalu  atoll Dhangethi
Alif Dhaalu atoll Dhangethi
Malika Shahid
01 June 2024, MVT 11:04

A foreigner who was fishing for groupers in the sea near Alifu Dhaalu atoll Dhangethi has passed away after being struck by a speedboat.

Dhangethi Council president Muaviyath Rasheed told Mihaaru news that a Bangladeshi individual was fishing for grouper in the water when he was struck by a speedboat. He was brought to the health center following the incident.

"The person was dead on arrival [at the health center]," he said.

Police stated that they have initiated an investigation into the speedboat driver. However, the cause of the incident is not yet clear.

According to a person speaking from the island, the deceased had sustained serious injuries to his neck.

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