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Tree Top Hospital reduces PCR test pricings

Ahmed Aiham
21 October 2020, MVT 18:29
Tree Top Hospital in Hulhumale'. PHOTO: TREE TOP HOSPITAL Tree Top Hospital in Hulhumale'. PHOTO: TREE TOP HOSPITAL
Tree Top Hospital in Hulhumale'. PHOTO: TREE TOP HOSPITAL
Ahmed Aiham
21 October 2020, MVT 18:29

Tree Top Hospital (TTH) in reclaimed suburb Hulhumale', on Wednesday, reduced the pricing for its PCR testing service.

According to TTH, both locals and expatriates can acquire the service for MVR 1,149, while tourists will be charged MVR 1,199.

In comparison, TTH previously charged MVR 1,399 from locals and work permit holders, and charged MVR 1,499 for tourists.

TTH guarantees test result deliveries within 12 hours. However, individuals can request an expedited emergency report at a premium.

Individuals can utilize TTH's hotline +960 3351610 or its website 'treetophospital.com' to pre-book their tests.

Maldives currently records a total of 11,271 virus cases of which 993 are active cases, in addition to 10,234 recoveries and 37 deaths.

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