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Inter-school singing competition to make a come back!

Anaan Bushry
23 March 2023, MVT 12:33
Anaan Bushry
23 March 2023, MVT 12:33

The Ministry of Education has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to organize a song competition involving all schools across the country.

The MOU was signed between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Youth, Sports, and Community Empowerment, the National Centre for Arts, and Public Service Media.

Education Minister Dr. Aisthath Ali, Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof, Minister of Arts, Culture, and Heritage Yumna Maumoon, and PSM Managing Director Ali Khalid signed the agreement on behalf of their respective agencies.

According to the education ministry, the singing competition is set to be held on June 16. All schools willing to participate in the competition are welcome, and children of all age groups will be allowed to participate.

The inter-school singing competition was last held in 2015. Even though singing competitions have not been held in some time, Islamic song (Madhaha) tournaments have been held.

The annual inter-school singing competition was an anticipated event in the Maldives. It was very popular in the 90s and early 2000s, with many famous and talented local vocalists emerging from the competition. It was held in the Olympus theatre in Malé every year.