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Free degree program was run as a large scale scam: Shujau

Baarashu MP Ibrahim Shujau of People's National Congress (PNC) has stated that the free first degree program initiated by the administration of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih was run as a large scale scam at the time.

Mariyath Mohamed
09 July 2024, MVT 13:43
Mariyath Mohamed
09 July 2024, MVT 13:43

Baarashu MP Ibrahim Shujau of People's National Congress (PNC) has stated that the free first degree program initiated by the administration of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih was run as a large scale scam at the time.

The program offers free education to students undertaking degree courses for the first time. The previous government has said that over 15,000 students have participated in the program.

Speaking in today's debate in parliament about the amendment to the Higher Education Act, Shujau said that an investigation must be conducted into what MDP's government had done in the guise of providing higher education.

"The free degree program was run as a large scale scam," he alleged.

Shujau said that the prices of the courses covered under the free degree program had been reduced to 60 percent in return for providing a subsidy. This, he claims, caused financial loss to colleges, leading to some having to be shut down.

Shujau said that one of the ways of ensuring that foreign currency is held in the country is by empowering private colleges. He said that the government places importance on doing so.

"Maamigili MP Gasim Ibrahim spent his entire life in providing higher education to students. Where have the governments brought any progress to that sector?"

The Higher Education Bill has lowered the conditions for a college to be classified as a university. If an institution is operated for over 15 years without interruption, and with the fulfillment of a number of other conditions, colleges can be classified as a university, the bill states.