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MFDA approves Moderna and Jannsen vaccines to be used in Maldives

Lamya Abdulla
07 June 2021, MVT 14:34
Moderna vaccine -
Lamya Abdulla
07 June 2021, MVT 14:34

Maldives Food and Drugs Authority (MFDA) approves Johnson & Johnson's Jannsen vaccine and Moderna vaccine to be used in Maldives on Sunday.

Moderna vaccine is made by a Spanish company called Moderna Biotech.

These were approved to be used for "restricted use in emergency situation," according to MFDA. Both the vaccines would be used on people above 18 years old.

These vaccines were approved after completing the due procedure and with the recommendations of National Pharmaceutical Board, MFDA said.

World Health Organisation (WHO) have cleared both these vaccines to be used in emergency situations. Jannsen vaccine is currently being used in 42 countries globally while 49 countries uses Moderna vaccines.

MFDA said they would be monitoring these vaccines and any potential effects they could have very closely with Health Ministry.

Currently, six vaccines have been approved to be used in Maldives; India's COVISHIELD, China's Sinopharm, Pfizer which was made in collaboration with United States of America (USA) and Germany, and Russia's Sputnik V vaccine.

Excluding Sputnik V and the two newly approved vaccines, all other approved vaccines were currently being used in Maldives.

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