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Athhar receiving treatment for attempted suicide while in custody

Athhar is currently receiving care after he attempted to take his own life while in custody.

Ameera Osmanagic
01 September 2024, MVT 20:21
Adam Athhar, the man arrested for kidnapping and holding his partner hostage at knife point --
Ameera Osmanagic
01 September 2024, MVT 20:21

Adam Athhar, the man who was arrested for kidnapping and holding a woman hostage at knife point on the streets of Malé last Thursday has attempted suicide while in police custody.

Police Spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner of Police Ahmed Shifan confirmed that Athhar unsuccessfully attempted to take his own life, and that he is now receiving treatment at hospital.

Thursday night's hostage situation, according to authorities, was the result of escalation in a lovers' spat over rent issues. Athhar, who does not work, had reacted in anger and violence when his partner had refused to continue paying rent for their shared accommodation, officials said.

The fight had escalated, with Athhar holding the woman hostage with a knife to her throat. He attempted to climb behind the woman on a motorcycle and have her drive away. With crowds gathering on the street, the motorcycle paused, at which time police intercepted and hit Athhar with a baton.

In retaliation, Athhar had attempted to slash the woman's throat, but had been unsuccessful with the motorcycle toppling, and police intervening. The woman was not seriously injured in the incident but received treatment at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

However, Athhar sustained injuries to the head and received treatment at both ADK and later at IGMH before being released back to police custody. It was later revealed that he was taken back to the hospital with some complications, but discharged soon after.

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