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High Court Judge Ali Sameer resigns

Lamya Abdulla
18 April 2022, MVT 12:17
(FILE) Judge Ali Sameer on December 3, 2019: He resigned on Sunday, April 17, 2022, after serving as a High Court Judge for over a decade --- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Lamya Abdulla
18 April 2022, MVT 12:17

High Court Judge Ali Sameer resigned on Sunday.

Mihaaru news had confirmed that Judge Sameer, who was also a high court judge at the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), has resigned from his post. The reason for his resignation is unclear.

Judge Sameer, well known for having presided over prominent cases, was appointed to the High Court in 2011. He had previously served as a Chief Judge, and Judge of the Civil Court. He is also the longest serving judge in charge of the High Court.

He is the judge that had first sentenced a man for marital rape in Maldives. In 2020, while presiding over the case in the bench, he had provided detailed religious reasoning over the debate that had been spurred over this case.

Additionally, it was a bench Judge Sameer had presided over that had decided all divorces have to be registered in 2015 as, without it, it lead to cases of women having two husbands.

He had also presided over the case of Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom, as well as the murder case of Parliament Member Dr. Afrasheem Ali.

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