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Izzuddeen School needs major repairs to allow long-term use

The assessment report done on Izzuddeen School shows that the building housing the school needs extensive repairs before it can be approved for use over a long period of time.

Mariyath Mohamed
05 July 2024, MVT 11:03
The crack on Izzuddin School's building --
Mariyath Mohamed
05 July 2024, MVT 11:03

The assessment report done on Izzuddeen School shows that the building housing the school needs extensive repairs before it can be approved for use over a long period of time.

With a wide crack seen in the structure on the third floor, Ministry of Education arranged for engineers from the Ministry of Construction and Infrastructure to conduct an assessment of the building last month to ascertain whether it was safe for continued use.

At the time, parents voiced concerns that the government may shut down the single session school and transfer the students to nearby Dharumavantha School instead.

Subsequently, the school's Parent-Teacher Association has met with the Education Minister as well.

One of the parents who joined this meeting later told Mihaaru news that the building is in need of extensive repairs. They cited the ministry as saying that there is no certainty the building can be used for a long duration unless repairs are done.

"Parents and students can check other schools and will get the opportunity to transfer to other schools in the Male' area."

After the meeting with the Minister, the PTA held an internal meeting for further deliberation where they agreed it is in the best interests of students to have the transfers done.

The ministry has not commented on the matter yet, so a final decision is so far unclear.

The building was initially housing Male' English School and has been in use for over 30 years. It is now known that the assessment shows that the building, due to its age, is no longer safe for long term use unless extensive repairs are conducted.

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