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STO introduces Hitachi's new products with 'Hakathari' label

STO launched new products by Hitachi which are Hakathari compliant, an energy efficiency labelling programme for appliances and equipment.

Ameera Osmanagic
28 June 2024, MVT 12:05
During the launching ceremony of Hitachi's new Hakarathi labelled products --
Ameera Osmanagic
28 June 2024, MVT 12:05

State Trading Organisation (STO) has introduced new washing machines and refrigerators with the 'Hakathari' label - an energy efficiency labelling programme for appliances and equipment - by the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy.

The Hakathari label, which was introduced in 2021 to promote the use of energy-efficient appliances and equipment, rates appliances based on a five-star system, where the higher number of stars on the label indicate a higher level of energy efficiency and energy saving.

The products introduced today by STO are rated three, four and five stars according to the label.

In a special ceremony held on Thursday, STO People's Choice's Marketing Manager Mohamed Shahaad said that STO is the first company to introduce products with the Hakathari label, and highlighted that the first products to be introduced in 2022 were air conditions.

"We introduced additional products under this label last year as well. Today, we are releasing washing machines and refrigerators under the label. These products are part of Hitachi's new releases. They include products with various Hakathari labels with various ratings," he said.

During the ceremony, Director of Sales at Hitachi's Home Appliance (Singapore) Tarun Jain said that it took a lot of work to modify the products to meet the labelling requirements set by the Ministry of Environment.

The difficulty was due to the high standards set by the Ministry, he said, adding that the Hakathari label is one that ensures energy efficiency.

State Trading Organization (STO) was established in 1964 by the Maldivian government as a fully state-funded business with the mission of strengthening national food security.

Today, the company operates with significant, diversified interests in petroleum, cooking gas, building materials, healthcare, consumer electronics, supermarket products, insurance, fisheries, shipping, and bunkering.

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