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Mandatory child support increase requested in Parliament

An amendment to increase the existing mandatory child support of MVR 2,000 was requested to the Parliament today by minority opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s North Galolhu MP Mohamed Ibrahim (Kudu).

Ameera Osmanagic
26 November 2024, MVT 09:13
[File] A Parliamentary session held this term -- [File] A Parliamentary session held this term --
[File] A Parliamentary session held this term --
Ameera Osmanagic
26 November 2024, MVT 09:13

An amendment to increase the existing mandatory child support of MVR 2,000 was requested to the Parliament today by minority opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s North Galolhu MP Mohamed Ibrahim (Kudu).

In a letter sent to Speaker of the Parliament Abdul Raheem Abdulla, Mohamed referenced the regulations implemented under section 72 of the Family Act, which states that MVR 2,000 is to be provided as child support if there is one child, until the child is of 18 years. However, with every additional child, only an increment not less than MVR 1,000 is to be provided.

Additionally, the father is also required to provide three sets of clothing per year, two school uniforms, one pair of shoes, school book list items, other materials required for studies and all medical expenses.

Medical expenses are based on local health care centre rates. However, based on the child's situation and the father's financial status, additional expenses can also be obtained, the regulation states.

However, Mohamed highlighted that MVR 2,000 is no longer sufficient to. raise a child amidst the increasing cost of living.

"MVR 2,000 is not enough even for school fees and tuition fees at the very least. This amount is not sufficient even if we look at food and diaper expenses for children," the letter reads.

He said even after lengthy court processes, this is the only amount granted as it is stipulated in the regulations. This causes distress for broken families and single mothers, he said

As such, he requested the Parliamentary Regulation Review Committee to arrange a meeting with the relevant officials from the Social and Family Development Ministry to facilitate amendments to the regulations.

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