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Chinese Tourist living in Maafannu Police Station

Mariyath Mohamed
26 October 2023, MVT 17:03
Chinese tourist reclining in waiting area in a Police Station.
Mariyath Mohamed
26 October 2023, MVT 17:03

Police have stated that a Chinese tourist is living in the Maafannu Police Station, and that she has been advised against it.

She was first brought to the police's attention when she was seen raising her voice, spitting and generally causing a disturbance at Velana International Airport on October 19. Police said at the time that she had been cautioned several times and handed over to the Immigration. It has now been over a week since she has started living in the police station.

Photos of the tourist living in the police station has been circulated on social media today.

When asked about the matter, Police responded that the individual is not under arrest or in custody in any form. They said that she had been repeatedly advised against living on the police office premises.

Immigration has stated that they are working with the concerned institutions to arrange for her to be sent back to her home country.

It was reported that the tourist was unable to leave due to some visa issues. However, she then refused to leave despite China Embassy having made the necessary arrangements for her.

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