NDMA has completed the damage assessment of all homes impacted by last Friday's flooding.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has completed the damage assessment of all the Malé City houses damaged by heavy rains and flooding in the city on Friday.
The authority said the damage assessment of 45 houses, which was pending from Friday was completed today.
A total of 137 houses were flooded and various damage was caused during the Friday floods. The damage assessment of 92 of these houses was completed yesterday.
The work was done in collaboration with the NDMA, Ministry of Social and Family Development and Maldives Red Crescent.
Depending on the results of this assessment, NDMA will provide appropriate financial assistance to recover from the damages.
During the Friday floods, 774 places requested various assistance from NDMA. Of these, 554 requests were received for sand bag placement to prevent flooding. 226 people from 36 households were provided with temporary shelter and food.
Six hours of continuous rain on Friday resulted in heavy flooding in the city, causing serious damage to homes and businesses.
[File] The roads of Malé flooded during Friday's heavy downpour -- Photo: Nishan Ali | Mihaaru