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Permanent ID Card to be issued to senior citizens

Department of National Registration has said on Wednesday that efforts are underway to introduce a permanent national identity card to persons aged 65 years and above.

Mariyath Mohamed
01 May 2024, MVT 09:35
A Maldivian citizen's identity card A Maldivian citizen's identity card
A Maldivian citizen's identity card
Mariyath Mohamed
01 May 2024, MVT 09:35

Department of National Registration (DNR) has said on Tuesday that efforts are underway to introduce a permanent national identity card to persons aged 65 years and above.

North Galolhu MP Eva Abdulla submitted a motion to parliament stating that the current validity of identity cards and passports in the country is not for an optimum duration.

Parliament's Committee on National Development and Heritage, which is researching this motion, summoned officials from Maldives Immigration and the Department of National Registration (DNR) to its meeting held on Tuesday.

State Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Yoosuf Abdul Ghafoor, who is responsible for overseeing DNR, responded that the validity of identity cards for persons aged between 10 and 40 is five years, while those older receive a card with 10 year validity.

He said that the decision to issue permanent identity cards to those over 65 years of age is based on the fact that many senior citizens currently face difficulties in renewing the cards upon expiration.

Members of the committee enquired when this change will be placed in effect.

Yoosuf revealed that technical studies have already been completed by the Department, and a paper submitted to the Cabinet.

He said that the next decision on the matter lies with the Cabinet.

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