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News / HDC

HDC donates MVR 1 million to Gaza through IAC relief fund

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has donated MVR 1 million to the Gaza Emergency Relief Fund set up by International Aid Campaign (IAC) in the Maldives.

Hanaan Hussain
16 April 2024, MVT 15:13
Hanaan Hussain
16 April 2024, MVT 15:13

International Aid Campaign (IAC), an organization that operates in providing humanitarian aid to vulnerable populations abroad, stated in a social media post that HDC has donated MVR 1 million to the people of Gaza, Palestine through their association. The IAC post thanked HDC for its support for their initiative and cooperation.

IAC also announced that they would be publishing details of how HDC's donation is distributed to intended beneficiaries in Gaza, who are suffering from famine and a blockade preventing humanitarian aid caused by Israel's violent occupation of Palestine.

While HDC has chosen to entrust IAC with their donation to Gaza, mounting tensions in the Middle East and the likelihood of all-out war threaten to further dehumanize the Palestinian people who have been under constant attack from Israel following escalations in violence late last year. Many individuals and businesses sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians at this time have also chosen to forward their donations to the cause through IAC in the Maldives.

However, IAC has failed to publish audit reports for many long years, raising questions amongst the public about how the funds donated to provide humanitarian aid in Palestine and elsewhere are being utilized by the organization, and whether or not they are truly reaching their intended beneficiaries.

Following public outcry and serious allegations of fraud, the IAC had announced six months ago that they would be publishing audit reports. IAC has yet to publicize any such documents that could support their credibility, and representatives of the organization have not been available for comments raised by the media.

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