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Maldives minister lauds Pres Yameen's economic prowess

Aishath Mihna Nasih
29 November 2016, MVT 12:03
President Yameen and First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim at the "Habeys 3" Rally PHOTO:Mohamed Sharuhaan/Mihaaru
Aishath Mihna Nasih
29 November 2016, MVT 12:03

Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed asserted that President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayooom is the only president who had the guts to test the independence and sovereignty of the country and that all citizens are indebted to him for that.

He made the remark while speaking at the “Habeys 3” rally held at Alimas Carnival in Capital Male’ to celebrate the third anniversary of the current government. Praising the president, Minister Saeed declared that he is the initiator of all the development we see today and the youth need to maintain the peace of the country.

While highlighting the development projects of the government, Minister Saeed said that the things once dreamed of by our forefathers is today made into a reality by President Yameen.

Stressing on the main gates of the country, Minister Saeed noted that only 27,000 containers had been brought to the country in 2011 while 41,000 were brought or imported in 2015.

He also disclosed that the USD 271 million paid to the Maldives main airport's previous operator, GMR Group of India, over the Maldives breaking its contract with the group had been paid in cheque.

“Which leader has the guts to pay USD 271 million in just a cheque?” questioned Minister Saeed.

Highlighting the development project of Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Saeed added that the amount of USD 800 million to be invested in the project does not just come out of the blue, but rather it is invested by a leader who knows and has the potential to develop the economy of the country.

The government paid the compensation price to GMR with the help of USD 140 million in bonds issued by the Maldives Monetary Authority.

Despite the praise to President Yameen, many civil servants and staff of public companies left the rally halfway through. Several have alleged that they had been forced to attend.

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