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Ramadan Special - The Quick Ten with Jailam

The Edition encounters Jailam outside his apartment in Hulhumale' Phase 2 and interviews him on his preferences and custom during Ramadan. He expressed a desire to go fishing during Ramadan and to have barbecued fish on the boat for Iftar.

Aishath Shuba Solih
29 March 2024, MVT 15:15
Jailam posing for the Edition outside his apartment flat.
Aishath Shuba Solih
29 March 2024, MVT 15:15

1. Describe yourself?

I love hanging out with my brothers and sisters. I like football and PlayStation games. I am currently very invested in learning fatalities on Mortal Kombat 1.

2. How is Iftar practiced in your home?

A - Homemade food *

B - Takeout

3. What about 'Haaru' [Suhoor]?

A - Eat before sleeping

B - Wake up and eat before Fajr *

4. Do you notice any physical changes due to the different Ramadan meals?

A - Weight gain

B - Weight loss

C - No difference *

5. 5pm to Maghrib. What are you usually up to?

A - Chilling

B - Out for a ride

C - Cooking, of course!

D - Just waiting for Maghrib prayer call *

6. How's your social life in Ramadan?

A - More socializing *

B - Less socializing

7. 'Ramadan' is derived from the Arabic word "Ramidha". What do you think it means?

A - Peace and quiet *

B - Prayer

C - Intense heat

D - Water

8. Which 'Fani' [Fresh juice] is the best?

A - Watermelon *

B - Guava

C - Mango

D - Orange

9. How many dates do you eat at Iftar?

A - 0

B - 1 to 3 *

C - 4 to 6

D - 7 ++

10. If you could invite anyone you liked in the world for iftar at your place, who would you choose?

My friend Zeena

Editor's Note: The Quick Ten is a special Ramadan series where we ask the same ten light questions from different people every day of Ramadan. At the end of the month, we will see what people's preferences are in general.

Options chosen by the interviewees are marked with a * at the end.

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