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Police release identities of 12 arrested in Hiyaa flat hostage case

Police raided apartment 11 on the 20th floor of Hiyaa Flat H9, where the group was preparing to chop off the hostage's finger after shaving his head.

Malika Shahid
09 November 2024, MVT 15:49
Police release identities of the 12 people arrested in the Hiyaa flat hostage case Police release identities of the 12 people arrested in the Hiyaa flat hostage case
Police release identities of the 12 people arrested in the Hiyaa flat hostage case
Malika Shahid
09 November 2024, MVT 15:49

Police have released photos and identities of twelve individuals arrested in connection with holding a man hostage inside a Hiyaa flat on Thursday night.

Police raided apartment 11 on the 20th floor of Hiyaa Flat H9, where the group was preparing to chop off the hostage's finger after shaving his head.

The men arrested range in age from 18 to 48.

Identities of the 12 individuals

1. Alman Ali Khalid, 22, Gaafu Dhaalu atoll Vaadhoo

2. Mohamed Izkan, 18, Male'

3. Izan Ahmed, 18, Kaafu atoll Guraidhoo

4. Ahmed Zahid, 36, Shaviyani atoll Foakaidhoo

5. Adam Husain, 48, Laamu atoll Maavah

6. Ibrahim Nashid, 34, Laamu atoll Isdhoo

7. Ahmed samih, 22, Baa atoll Goidhoo

8. Ismail Visham Mohamed, 22, Male'

9. Visham Mohamed, 23, Gaafu Dhaalu Vaadhoo

10. Vishan Mohamed, 30, Hulhumale'

11. Musthaq Shakir, 37, Gaafu Dhaalu Vaadhoo

12. Hassan Ghaalib, 38, Meemu atoll Kolhufushi

Alman, Izkan, and Izan have been remanded in custody for five days, while the other nine individuals were remanded for seven days.

The apartment in question, apartment 11 on the 20th floor of Hiyaa Flat H9, has been raided multiple times in the past in connection with drug-related crimes.

Police have not released any further details about the incident.

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