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Vehicle registration in Male' decline following new regulations

As of October 31 this year, four-wheeler registrations in Male' area have dropped by 74.1 percent compared to the same time last year. Two-wheeler registrations also fell by 8.1 percent over the same period.

Malika Shahid
20 November 2024, MVT 11:43
Cars parked on Male' Boduthakurufaanu Magu -- Photo: Nishan Ali Cars parked on Male' Boduthakurufaanu Magu -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Cars parked on Male' Boduthakurufaanu Magu -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
20 November 2024, MVT 11:43

The number of vehicles registered in Male' City has decreased compared to the previous year, the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation announced today.

In a statement on the "sarukaaru" website, the ministry said that it has begun enforcing stricter registration practices for four wheelers, bringing an end to unauthorized vehicle registrations.

As of October 31 this year, four-wheeler registrations in Male' area have dropped by 74.1 percent compared to the same time last year. Two-wheeler registrations also fell by 8.1 percent over the same period.

“These measures have reduced the number of vehicles registered in Male' City. This is an important step towards improving the traffic situation in the city,” the ministry said.

The crackdown on unauthorized registrations follows complaints of corruption in the vehicle registration process during the previous government.

According to statistics obtained by Mihaaru News under the Right to Information Act, 96,357 motorcycles were registered in Male' area as of March last year. The number of cars registered in the city was 6,470, with an additional 6,457 other four-wheeled vehicles, bringing the total vehicle count in the capital to 109,284.

A spokesperson for the Transport Ministry said that vehicles can still be registered by submitting a garage letter. However, a new regulation requires a physical inspection of the garage to ensure it meets the necessary standards.

A media official from the ministry added that registration forms will not be processed unless they meet the required criteria. This change has contributed to the overall decrease in vehicle registrations.

The Transport Ministry, often accused of corruption, was audited during the previous administration amid allegations of illegal charges and misconduct in vehicle registration and licensing.

However, Transport Minister Mohamed Ameen has said that such practices are no longer possible under the current administration.

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