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Sports car accident: Three held in remand, victim left with serious injuries

Two suspects have been held in remand pending the outcome of their trials while the third was given a remand of 15 days.

Ameera Osmanagic
01 August 2024, MVT 20:44
Three men arrested in connection to yesterday's car crash --
Ameera Osmanagic
01 August 2024, MVT 20:44

Lower courts today ordered three men involved in yesterday's sports car crash which landed the bystander victim in critical condition, to be held in remand.

The three apprehended in the case are Ikramu-Rahman and Ibrahim Ikram, who are both from Malé and a third man identified as Jinah Ismail from Gaafu dhaalu atoll Kan'duhulhudhoo.

Authorities have identified Ikram and Ikramu-Rahman as being in the car at the time of the crash before fleeing the scene. Video footage shows both exiting the car after the crash with seemingly little to no injuries. They are seen standing near the victim for a while before Ikram gets on the back seat of a motorcycle and flees. Ikramu-Rahman also left the scene. However, Maldives Police Service apprehended both of them, along with Jinah, last night.

Both Ikram and Ikramu-Rahman were taken to Criminal Court for their remand hearing, where they were ordered to be held pending the outcome of their trials. Jinah, on the other hand, was taken to Hulhumalé Court, where he received a remand period of 15 days.

Footage from the accident shows the driver of the speeding car attempt to make a left turn near Vinares flats in Hulhumalé Phase 2 before losing control and ramming into a person sitting on a motorcycle on the side of the road, from behind. The impact of the hit threw the victim in the air before tumbling onto the ground. Both vehicles and a nearby tree were also severely damaged.

The motorcyclist was first taken to Hulhumalé Hospital before being transferred to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) for further treatment. The hospital told last night that patient is stable and that he had been transferred to a ward.

However, Maldives Police Service told Criminal Court during the remand hearing of Ibrahim Ikram and Ikramu-Rahman today that the accident caused serious injuries including fractures in the victim's neck and spine as well as a wound to the head.

According to photos of the crash, the car in question was not registered to be driven the Malé area, as its number plate indicated that it was registered in the B-Zone, which is north and south regions of the country.

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