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China firm to install hybrid power plants in Shaviyani, Noonu atolls

Fathmath Shaahunaz
06 December 2017, MVT 16:38
Sinomach International Sungrow company's vice president Ziyao Zian Don (L) and environment minister Thoriq Ibrahim sign contract awarding the installation of hybrid power plants in Shaviyani and Noonu atolls to Sinomach.
Fathmath Shaahunaz
06 December 2017, MVT 16:38

The Maldives government has awarded the project to design and install hybrid power plants in all inhabited islands of Shaviyani atoll and Noonu atoll to the joint venture Sinomach International Sungrow company of China.

The contract was signed by the company’s vice president Ziyao Zian Don and environment minister Thoriq Ibrahim at a ceremony held at the ministry on Wednesday.

Under the project, Sinomach will install Solar PV Systems of 2.86 megawatts, 29 generators to produce electricity from diesel, batteries of 2.86 megawatts per hour, 24 automatic synchronising panel boards, 62 distribution boxes and lay 10 kilometres of cable. According to the environment ministry, energy management systems will also be established in the islands.

Solar powered generators of 2.5 megawatts have already been established in five islands under the first phase of the project. The second phase will see solar powered generators of 4.57 megawatts installed in 27 islands across the atolls of Haa Alif and Haa Dhaal.

The environment ministry declared that establishment of renewable electricity generation will be underway in all inhabited islands of the Maldives by the end of the current administration’s first term.