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CAM begins blocking online betting sites

Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM) has begun blocking online betting websites in Maldives.

Mariyath Mohamed
10 July 2024, MVT 11:49
Mature man using mobile app for live betting and online gambling and watching a sports match
Mariyath Mohamed
10 July 2024, MVT 11:49

Communications Authority of Maldives (CAM) has begun blocking online betting websites in Maldives.

CAM Chief Executive Ilyas Ahmed said that several such sites have now been blocked on orders from the Police.

The exact number of websites that have been blocked was not revealed.

It has become a recent trend in Maldives to frequent such online betting sites. Some such sites are promoted through Telegram, social media and other platforms as well.

While CAM has started blocking betting sites, pornographic websites have also been blocked since late last year.

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