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Minister Zameer calls for greater cooperation to achieve SDG's

The Voice of Global South Summit is an initiative put forward by India during its G20 presidency to give a platform for the non-G20 Member States, especially the Global South.

Malika Shahid
17 August 2024, MVT 18:03
Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer delivers his remarks during the Foreign Ministers' Session of the Third Voice of the Global South Summit convened virtually by the Government of India under the theme, “Charting a New Paradigm for Global South" -- Photo: Foreign Ministry
Malika Shahid
17 August 2024, MVT 18:03

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer stated today that relations between the Global South and other countries must be strengthened to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Minister Zameer delivered his remarks during the Foreign Ministers' Session of the Third Voice of the Global South Summit, which was convened virtually by the Government of India under the theme, “Charting a New Paradigm for Global South.”

According to the Foreign Ministry, Minister Zameer commended India's exceptional leadership during its G20 presidency and its impactful initiatives, which positively influenced both G20 countries and the Global South.

Zameer expressed gratitude to G20 member countries and non-G20 countries, especially those from the Global South.

He emphasized that a permanent solution to the challenges facing Global South countries can be achieved by addressing debt obligations, which hinder sustainable development and resilience building. The minister highlighted the urgent need for action on multilateral frameworks that limit access to concessional financing or debt support.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer delivers his remarks during the Foreign Ministers' Session of the Third Voice of the Global South Summit convened virtually by the Government of India under the theme, “Charting a New Paradigm for Global South" -- Photo: Foreign Ministry

He further emphasized the urgency of delivering the climate justice that Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the Global South, and the world demand.

Highlighting the importance of equitable access to digital tools for redefining and realizing the development trajectories of the Global South, Minister Zameer emphasized the need to ensure that new technological innovations essential for achieving the development goals of countries like the Maldives are made accessible to the Global South under the same principles.

He stated that accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can only be achieved by strengthening the relationship between the Global South and other countries.

The Voice of Global South Summit is an initiative put forward by India during its G20 presidency to give a platform for the non-G20 Member States, especially the Global South.

This year's summit was also inaugurated by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The Foreign Ministers session was chaired by Minister of External Affairs of India Dr Subrahmanyam Jaishankar. Foreign Ministers of Brunei, Cambodia, Cuba, Iraq, Lao PDR, Lesotho, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Solomon Islands, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu participated in the session.