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PG Shameem honored with red carpet farewell

Malika Shahid
23 August 2024, MVT 14:07
PG Shameem received a red carpet farewell from PG Office staff upon his resignation
Malika Shahid
23 August 2024, MVT 14:07

After four years of service, Hussain Shameem has resigned from his position as Prosecutor General. The staff at the Prosecutor General's Office honored him with a red carpet farewell.

The Judiciary Committee of Parliament had decided to remove Shameem from the role, and he stepped down just before the session was set to begin last night.

Shameem highlighted his adherence to the Constitution and laws during his tenure and emphasized his resilience against various attempts to influence him.

Shameem noted several achievements during his time in office:

- The Prosecutor General's Office has been transparent in publishing information and statistics

- The Office launched a dedicated website, “,” which provides comprehensive information on cases, including those discussed by investigating agencies, court filings, case scheduling, and outcomes

- The PG Office became transparent, efficient, and cost-effective, with a dedicated system that supports its operations

- Established written procedures for handling cases, ensuring consistency in decision-making and creating SOPs for each unit within the office

- PG Office has modernized its services, allowing for online access to criminal records and case information. It also facilitates communication with over 700 government agencies and has a comprehensive website with criminal justice laws

Shameem said that the Prosecutor General's Office has set a high standard of service and efficiency, with a comprehensive system in place to address and respond to public inquiries.

"God willing, I have fulfilled my responsibilities with sincerity and honesty," Shameem said.

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