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5kg of drugs seized from a Pakistani arriving in Maldives

The inspection of luggage belonging to a 56 year old Pakistani man has revealed drugs worth MVR 5.3 million.

Aishath Shuba Solih
20 March 2024, MVT 12:24
Narcotics previously confiscated by Customs -- Photo: Customs
Aishath Shuba Solih
20 March 2024, MVT 12:24

Narcotics weighting 5kg has been confiscated from the luggage of a Pakistani traveling to the Maldives.

Maldives Customs Service revealed that the luggage of a 56-year-old Pakistani male traveling from Qatar’s Doha to Maldives on the 12th of March was examined under suspicions that it contained narcotics.

Disclosing that the inspection found packaging suspected to contain drugs, Customs shared that their first round of investigations had shown the substance discovered from the luggage test positive for heroine.

The street value of these narcotics is believed to be MVR 5.3 million.

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