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Reports of four most common infectious diseases escalate in March

HPA reveals that reported cases of the four most common infectious diseases has increased in March compared to February. While Gastroenteritis reports last month saw an increase from last year, viral fever, cold and dengue fever remained at lower numbers.

Aishath Shuba Solih
17 April 2024, MVT 17:40
Elderly ladies sitting with masks on.-- Photo: Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
17 April 2024, MVT 17:40

The number of people who reportedly contracted the four most common infectious diseases has increased in March.

Health Protection Agency (HPA) stated today that reported cases of diarrhea, common cold, viral fever and dengue fever last month is higher than the reports received last year during February. Reported cases of diarrhea and vomiting had also surged this month compared to this period last year.

Despite the remaining illnesses observing a low contraction rate compared to the previous year, patients visiting doctors for examinations remains higher in March than in February this year.

While 116 cases of dengue fever was reported during February this year, this number increased by three patients last month with 119 reported patients contracting the disease. Moreover, reported cases on common colds stood at 33,637 last month while February saw fewer numbers with 29,184 cases of cold.

Cases of viral fever had also surged in March compared to February which had observed 8,871 patients while the following month saw 11,760 cases.

Furthermore, reported cases of gastroenteritis stood at 5,149 on February, however this number rose once again in March with 5,428 patients seeking treatment for the disease.

With several atolls including Haa Alif, Haa Dhaalu, Noonu, Kaafu, Gaafu Dhaalu, Laamu, Gnaviyani and Seenu also reportedly observing several cases of dengue fever, HPA confirmed that cases of viral fever, dengue fever and gastroenteritis has increased in the country.

The Authority added that common colds have become increasingly regular within many atolls in the country as well.

This year had further observed 850 patients test for influenza this year with 125 of these patients testing positive.

HPA revealed that reported cases of colds had also surged in comparison to the previous year and subsequently asserted the importance of implementing preventive measures to stay safe from illnesses such as Covid-19 and influenza.

Covering the mouth and nose during coughing and sneezing episodes and maintaining cleanliness are within the most basic such safety precautions. HPA instructs patients who contract dengue fever to prioritize rest and comfort. This allows the illness to alleviate faster and to contain its spread.

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