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Maldives hosts official welcoming ceremony for Sri Lankan Prime Minister

Nafaahath Ibrahim
02 September 2019, MVT 11:09
Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe (C) and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (R) during the official welcoming ceremony held in capital Male' to receive the PM on his first official visit to Maldives on September 2, 2019. PHOTO/PRESIDENT'S OFFICE
Nafaahath Ibrahim
02 September 2019, MVT 11:09

Maldivian government on Monday hosted an official welcoming ceremony at the Republic Square for the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe to initiate the formalities of his visit.

The Prime Minister and his wife, Professor Maithree Wickremasinghe, were received by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih and First Lady Fazna Ahmed at the Presidential Jetty in capital Male'.

They were greeted by a welcoming performance by Maldivian school students prior to being escorted to the Saluting Dais and a 7-gun salute being fired in PM Wickremesinghe's honour by Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF).

The national anthems of both Maldives and Sri Lanka were played by the Maldivian military brass band.

With a guard of honour assembled, host dignitaries comprised of senior officials of the Maldivian government, and visiting dignitaries comprised of the Sri Lankan government’s senior-most representatives, jointly presented themselves.

After the welcoming ceremony concluded, the Prime Minister was escorted to the President’s Office, where official talks are scheduled with President Solih.

Both the leaders will preside over an agreement signing ceremony and deliver a Joint Press Statement afterwards.

Additionally, a banquet will be hosted in the afternoon by President Solih in the Prime Minister's honour.

This marks Prime Minister Wickremasinghe's first visit to Maldives since President Solih took office in September 2018.