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2 Maldivians arrested in Sri Lanka released

Shahudha Mohamed
21 May 2019, MVT 14:05
'Baikandi' Hassan Manik (L) and 'Funama' Adam Manik arrested in Sri Lanka. They were both released after approximately a month in custody. PHOTO: MIHAARU FILES
Shahudha Mohamed
21 May 2019, MVT 14:05

Sri Lankan authorities on Tuesday released two Maldivians who were arrested after a book about the Islamic State (IS) was found in their residence during security operations conducted following the Easter terror attacks on April 21.

Two activists of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), 'Funama' Adam Manik and 'Baikan'di' Hassan Manik, were arrested shortly after their arrival to Sri Lanka for medical purposes. Their remands were extended three times.

Director of Communications at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Miuvan Mohamed stated that the two were released by the Sri Lankan court. He further clarified that no charges were pressed against them.

Local media Mihaaru reports that the two Maldivians were not linked to the book found in their residence as it was owned by another individual who lived at the same address.

A total of eight Maldivians have been arrested so far in the rigorous operations conducted by Sri Lankan authorities following the bomb blasts. Most of them were arrested over expired visas.

According to Foreign Minister Abdulla Shahid, a number of Maldivians are residing in Sri Lanka without legitimate visas. However, all attempts by the Maldivian government to solve this issue have so far been futile.