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PG Shameem to be summoned to Parliament committee today, requests live broadcast

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has requested that today's committee meeting concerning his dismissal to be broadcast live.

Mariyath Mohamed
22 August 2024, MVT 09:32
pg hussain shameem
Mariyath Mohamed
22 August 2024, MVT 09:32

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem has requested that today's committee meeting concerning his dismissal to be broadcast live.

Following a motion of dismissal submitted by Hulhudhoo MP Mohamed Shahid, the committee granted Shameem a period of five days following which he has been summoned to a meeting to appear with relevant documents.

Parliament has scheduled this meeting for 10:30 hrs today.

The Prosecutor General's Office confirmed that Shameem will attend the meeting to be answerable to the allegations raised against him. They said that the PG has requested this meeting be open to the public.

Issues the committee requested documentation for:

- Filing of sexual harassment charges against former Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed

- Filing of charges against former Youth Minister Ahmed Mahloof, allowing him to remain in his position

- Withdrawal of human trafficking charges against former MP for Nilandhoo constituency Ali Riza

- Decision to not press charges regarding the issues in ventilator procurement

Shameem was appointed as PG in December, 2019, with his term set to conclude this coming December.

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