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Former government held negotiations to acquire free drones, too costly at present: MDP

MDP said that the current administration's purchase of military drones is overpriced and that during their former government, negotiations were underway with a country to obtain military drones for free which were left incomplete when their tenure ended.

Aishath Shuba Solih
13 March 2024, MVT 17:48
Military drones produced in Turkey
Aishath Shuba Solih
13 March 2024, MVT 17:48

The opposition party Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has revealed that negotiations were held with a country to obtain military drones for the Maldives free of charge. They asserted that the military drones purchased from Turkey to supervise the country’s maritime area are very costly.

Three military drones have been purchased from Turkey and the establishment of a drone base is currently underway at Noonu atoll Maafaru. However, the State has yet to disclose further information on this development.

Speaking at the press conference held last night, Ahmed Easa, Spokesperson for MDP’s parliamentary campaign and Kendikulhudhoo MP, stated that significant efforts were made during the MDP administration to import military drones. He revealed that a pilot project was launched at the time and affirmed that negotiations with a friendly nation were held to provide free military drones to the Maldives. MP Easa said that the discussions between leaders of both countries were ongoing when the tenure of former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih came to an end.

Easa stated that “hastily rushing” to Turkey following the President assuming office and suddenly attempting to import military drones into Maldives is a highly dubious matter.

"We are talking about something that hasn't even been budgeted for. While approximately USD 30 million was allocated from the contingency budget for this, there are far more pressing matters that need attention to improve the people's quality of life. The 1,720 project initiated by the former government was halted, yet each project within it holds equal importance," stated the Kendikulhudhoo MP.

MP Easa asserted that the state's foremost priorities are outlined in the Constitution, and the administration cannot neglect these matters without addressing them for the benefit of the people. He further declared his firm belief that the drones were acquired hastily to secure funds for the parliamentary election campaign.

"It was done at an inflated price, far exceeding the market rate for such technology globally. We have the details of this transaction. The prices of drones and the number required for Maldives, as well as the locations for establishing centers, all of which have been extensively researched by military experts," Easa said.

Easa stated that safeguarding the maritime area of the Maldives is a goal shared by all countries, but emphasized that this can only be achieved within the country's current capacity. While acknowledging the existence of numerous advanced technologies worldwide, he maintained that the Maldives does not yet possess the capability to reach such levels.

Amid President Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s official trip to Turkey, he had observed the various military vehicles produced by the country and formed an agreement with a Turkish company to import military drones into Maldives.

The government has not yet revealed any further information regarding the agreement.

However, Mihaaru News has reported that military drones have been imported into the country under this agreement, and efforts to initiate their utilization are currently underway. Photos of this development have also circulated on social media, and a specialized military team from the Maldives is presently in Turkey receiving training on the operational procedures of the drones.

President Muizzu had previously announced that the State would guarantee the capability to monitor the Maldives' maritime area independently around the clock. Speaking at a ceremony held in Raa atoll Meedhoo last Saturday, the President stated that a system for 24/7 surveillance of the country's maritime area would be established and initiated this month.

It is believed that the President made this statement in reference to the commencement of drone operations for monitoring the country's maritime area around the clock.

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