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News / MDP

Azim pledges housing beneficiaries will not become homeless

Mohamed Rehan
11 December 2023, MVT 13:07
Former Managing Director of MTCC Adam Azim; he promises to defend the rights of the social housing scheme recipients if elected as the next mayor of Male' City-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mohamed Rehan
11 December 2023, MVT 13:07

Adam Azim, who is running for Malé City Mayor through Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), has pledged that if elected, he will ensure that recipients of the Gedhoruveriya and Binveriya schemes do not become homeless.

A special ceremony was held at one of the party's hub on Sunday evening, December 10, to launch Azim's campaign for the by-election slated for January 2024.

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, along with several former dignitaries from the previous administration, attended the ceremony.

At the campaign inauguration, Azim pledged he will explore all legal avenues to guarantee housing for the recipients of the schemes, that were launched during former President Solih's administration.

Azim, who is also the former Managing Director of Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), said that he witnessed the predicament of citizens living in Malé City. He promised to use his capacity as mayor, if elected, to address the housing issues in the city.

The mayoral candidate made this promise while the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) intervened in the issuance of housing units under the first phase of the Gedhoruveriya scheme. Meanwhile, the current administration has stated that it will not honor the issuance of any housing flats awarded by the previous government during the first round of the presidential election.

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (C) with Adam Azim (R) and the former Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail (L)-- Photo: Mihaaru

Azim also argued that the reclamation of Fushidhiggaru lagoon, one of the major initiatives of the new government, is not an option for now. He added that priority should be focused on completing the ongoing reclamation projects and the development of the reclaimed areas in the region.

"What is required right now is to provide water, sanitation, electricity and road development for the reclaimed areas and infrastructural development including hospitals, mosques, and schools before the areas are made habitable. That is what is required not to let the public live in constant plight for another 30 years," Azim said.

Last week, the Parliament's Budget Review Committee, which has a majority from the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), removed the Fushidhiggaru reclamation project from the 2024 state budget. The committee redistributed the project's allocation to other initiatives. MDP stated that the decision was made to expedite the completion of the reclamation of Gulhifalhu and Giraavaru lagoon and to increase the initiatives under the Public Sector Investment Program (PSIP) across the atolls.

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (third from Right) with former Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail (second from Right) with MDP members running for vacant spots in Male' City Council-- Photo: mihaaru

During Sunday evening's meeting, Azim also shared his vision for Malé City under his mayorship.

Azim pledged to prioritize transparency of the city council upon taking over, and underscored the importance of informing the public of the council authority's expense and revenues since the budget for the authority is allocated by the government.

Azim's Mayoral Pledges

- At least four meetings among the Malé Region districts to make collective decisions for the city

- Eliminate the necessity to beg for the council's services and put an end to the use of coercion for obtaining services.

- Conduct an audit of the land area of the city to assess if the land use plan is appropriate and utilize empty plots for parking or to create parking structures

- Resolve waste disposal and improve waste management

- Improve the city council's services in collaboration with utility service providers

- Efforts to resolve parking and traffic issues

"I think and plan in a sustainable approach, and the public trusts my track record. Everyone agrees that I can handle this," Azim said.

Azim also viewed that the city was riddled with challenges and had been neglected for years.

"What I believe is that if you can show 1,000 excuses to avoid a responsibility, then you can show 1,000 ways on how to resolve it. I will show the way," he added.

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