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Police stop 41 for speeding violations last week

Raif Amyl Jalyl
06 May 2019, MVT 08:12
Ramadan Preparations 2019 / Traffic / Road / PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED/MIHAARU
Raif Amyl Jalyl
06 May 2019, MVT 08:12

Maldives Police Service on Saturday revealed that 41 people were stopped for violating the speed limit within the previous week.

Police publicise weekly traffic violation statistics on social media, and recent tweets and posts indicate that 41 drivers were stopped between April 27 till May 3 for speeding violations. This is an increase of 23 people over the number stopped the week prior.

The statistics show that the number of people stopped for other traffic violations increased as well. The traffic violations include disobeying traffic signs, driving without a license or a license card on hand, driving without insurance, yearly fee or roadworthiness. Most notable is the increase in driving without roadworthiness.

Police also announced that with the beginning of Ramadan on May 6, the authority would launch a special operation to counteract the traffic violation issue, stating on Saturday that police officers would be dispatched to regulate traffic in the most heavily congested areas.

Furthermore, Police said that particular attention would be given to mosque and market areas.

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