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Parliament passes amendments to Tax Administration Act

Shahudha Mohamed
04 September 2019, MVT 09:45
Parliament members during a session. PHOTO: PARLIAMENT
Shahudha Mohamed
04 September 2019, MVT 09:45

The parliament, on Tuesday, voted to pass the amendments submitted to the Tax Administration Act, thus dismissing Commissioner General of Taxation Yazeed Mohamed from his position.

After reviewing the bill submitted by Hulhudhoo MP of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Ilyas Labeeb on behalf of the government, the Economic Affairs Committee forwarded the bill to the parliament floor for discussion. The bill was passed with an amendment submitted during the session with the majority vote of 59 members.

The amendment proposed by Hithadhoo North MP Mohamed Aslam stated that new appointments to Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA)'s board must be made within 30 days of ratification.

In addition, the amendment requires new appointments to be made for the two senior-most positions of MIRA within the same period.

Therefore, Commissioner General of Taxation Mohamed Yazeed and Deputy Commissioner General of Taxation Hassan Zareer will automatically be dismissed from their posts upon the ratification of the bill.

Per the bill, MIRA's board consists of a total of seven members, including an individual appointed by the Minister of Finance to oversee the policies regarding taxation, five members appointed by the President and the Commissioner General of Taxation.

However, all the appointments require approval from the parliament.

The current Tax Administration Act states that MIRA's board members will be appointed by the President with the parliament's approval. The law further states that the names of independent candidates submitted following a public announcement also require the parliament's approval.

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