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M-Faisaa payment method introduced for Bandeyri Pay

Ooredoo has introduced their payment method, M-Faisaa to Bandeyri App, the official portal for government-related services.

Aishath Shuba Solih
11 July 2024, MVT 17:21
Aishath Shuba Solih
11 July 2024, MVT 17:21

The Ooredoo payment method, M-Faisaa has been introduced to the official portal used for online payments to government agencies, Bandeyri Pay. The portal now offers the option to settle payment through M-Faisaa with this development.

Ooredoo said that the introduction of their payment service to Bandeyri Portal is a means to offer continuous payment transactions for government services and an opportunity for customers to experience safe and solid payment methods.

CEO of Ooredoo, Khalid Hassan Al-Hamadi said that the success of their collaboration with the government to establish the M-Faisaa service within Bandeyri Pay serves as proof of their efforts to offer advancements to customer lifestyles through technology.

Ooredoo digital wallet, M-Faisaa can also be used through the Ooredoo Super App. M-Faisaa is a wallet which uses native authentication models such as touch ID and face ID to make payments.

This wallet also allows payment settlement for Ooredoo bills as well as utility bills in addition to payments to restaurants, cafe's, clinics, schools, gym facilities and stores. An M-Faisaa account can be opened through the Ooredoo digital application.

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