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Aasandha provision in UAE and Thailand: dates yet to be announced

27 March 2024, MVT 20:39
27 March 2024, MVT 20:39

Despite repeated questions from multiple MPs in parliament today, Minister of Social and Family Development Dr Aishath Shiham remained silent on the matter of stating a date of commencement for Aasandha provision in UAE and Thailand.

Aasandha being expanded to include medical facilities in UAE and Thailand was announced by President Dr Mohamed Muizzu in January upon his return from his State visit to China.

"Instead of Aasandha being a service available just at specific medical facilities in a certain country or region, we will broaden Aasandha to better quality countries, like UAE and Thailand," the President stated at the time.

With Dr Shiham being summoned to Parliament today to answer queries posed by MPs, many asked her when this service would commence.

The Minister avoided providing a direct answer to the question. Instead, she stated that efforts were in progress to establish a sustainable system that would not need changes in the future. Dr Shiham said that details of this would be shared at the earliest possible opportunity.

She explained that currently, necessary research was being conducted to put said policies into implementation.

She assured that service would be provided at a better standard than it is at present.

Despite repeated questioning, Dr Shiham reserved her answers to providing no more details than this.