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MQA orders halt of 'Local Validation' stamps on certificates

The Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA) has decided to halt the stamping of MQA approval seals by entities confirm the acceptance of local certificates for employment.

26 March 2024, MVT 15:09
MQA CEO Fizana and senior officials of the authority.
26 March 2024, MVT 15:09

The Maldives Qualifications Authority (MQA) has decided to halt the stamping of MQA approval seals by entities confirm the acceptance of local certificates for employment.

Since 2016, various institutions have been validating and assessing certificates issued by different institutions for local courses in the Maldives.

Local certificates issued by some places bear a stamp reading "confirmed" as being accepted by the Maldives Qualifications Authority, and is signed by senior officials within those institutions.

However, the MQA announced that, effective immediately, such confirmation statements and signatures will no longer be allowed.

MQA stated that instead, to ensure the credibility of certificates, job applicants are advised to include a letter of completion of the course issued by the higher education center along with their job applications.

Institutions receiving job applications with any queries regarding the documents are encouraged to submit them, along with the certificates and related documents, to the MQA for clarification.