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Mandhu College's lawsuit to recover legal expenses denied

Lamya Abdulla
24 October 2022, MVT 19:51
(FILE) MES building: The contract given to Male' High Private Limited to use the building as a campus for an international school was annulled in 2015 -- Photo: Mihaaru File
Lamya Abdulla
24 October 2022, MVT 19:51

Civil Court rules that Male' High Private will not be able to recover the legal expenses incurred from the state over the legal battle that took place after MES Building was taken away from Male' Private High.

The building was used to operate Mandhu College. It is now utilized as Izudheen School.

The building was leased to Male' Private High in 2013 by the government. Later, the agreement was annulled and the government took the building back, which lead for Male' Private High to sue the state. Both High Court and Supreme Court had agreed that the agreement was annulled unlawfully and that Male' Private High needed to be compensated.

After the Male' High Private filed a lawsuit to recover the money spent on lawyers from the state for cancelling the agreement, the Civil Court ruled that the company had not provided evidence to show that the company had paid for the invoices sent to the company despite the agreement stating that legal expenses could be recovered.

Additionally, Civil Court stated the agreement made between the state and the company did not state that the legal expenses incurred would be recovered so they cannot rule for them to be repaid.

The government had earlier paid a compensation of MVR 15 million to Male' High Company for cancelling the agreement. This was the cost of finding another building to run the Mandhu College after they were was evicted from the MES. where the college was initially operated.

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