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Majeedhiya School student tests positive for TB, other students being tested

A student of Majeedhiya School has tested positive for tuberculosis (TB). Other students in the school are now being tested as a precaution.

Mariyath Mohamed
04 June 2024, MVT 14:44
Majeedhiya School
Mariyath Mohamed
04 June 2024, MVT 14:44

A student of Majeedhiya School has tested positive for tuberculosis (TB). Other students in the school are now being tested as a precaution.

A Media Official of the Ministry of Education told Mihaaru that actions are being taken in accordance with the protocols of the Health Protection Agency (HPA) after one student tested positive for TB.

The child's condition is being closely monitored, they said.

The school has not commented on the matter so far. Mihaaru reports that the student studies in Grade 9, and those being tested now are his classmates.

TB is detected in the Maldives in rare cases. The government aims to eradicate the illness by 2025.

The last reported incident of TB being detected in a school student was in 2022, involving a student studying at the Centre for Higher Secondary Education (CHSE).

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