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Will return to work and exercise with even more resolve: PG Shameem

Lamya Abdulla
31 January 2024, MVT 18:50
Lamya Abdulla
31 January 2024, MVT 18:50

Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem said on Wednesday he will return to work and other activities such as swimming and running with even more determination than before, in his first statement after the attack he suffered this morning.

Shameem was injured this morning when some men on a motorcycle attacked him with a hammer while he was on his morning run. Blocking the attack aimed at his head, he instead sustained a fracture on his left forearm in this attack.

He has been released from ADK Hospital after receiving treatment.

“I was attacked this morning .. fractured my left hand .. I am now back home with family … will be back at work stronger and be back running, cycling and swimming even faster,” Shameem said on Facebook.

In addition to his work, Shameem is known for being passionate about exercise, including running and swimming.

He was attacked this morning, too, after he had dropped his child to school after first having gone on his morning run.

Most political parties have condemned the attack on Shameem and police are investigating this matter as a serious issue. However, no one has been arrested in connection to this case yet.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has strengthened Shameem’s security after the attack.

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