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Pain Clinic Introduces PRP Treatment

The Pain Clinic has initiated the administration of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment.

07 March 2024, MVT 10:52
Inside the Pain Clinic.
07 March 2024, MVT 10:52

The Pain Clinic has initiated the administration of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment.

PRP involves taking an individual's blood, filtering it to extract nutritious substances and healing components, and then injecting it back. This treatment relies solely on the natural ingredients present in each person's blood, without incorporating any additional chemicals.

The Pain Clinic provides this treatment to address damage to the knee and other bodily tissues resulting from a range of injuries and arthritis. In cases where pain and swelling arise from an existing condition leading to damaged tissues, PRP injection may serve as an additional aid in the healing process.

Given that PRP is a natural treatment utilizing components present in the body, the Pain Clinic highlights that studies have demonstrated fewer side effects associated with this approach. The necessity for PRP injections depends on the severity of the disease or injury sustained by an individual. The clinic asserts that PRP is among the best treatments available for optimizing the body's healing potential in such conditions.

This treatment is also offered in developing countries around the world.

The Pain Clinic offers treatments for a wide range of causes of pain. The clinic is located on the fourth floor of G. Hiyaakuri on Alikilegefaanu Magu.

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