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Ooredoo Announces Weekly Winners of Golden Futsal Promotions

05 March 2024, MVT 06:33
05 March 2024, MVT 06:33

Ooredoo has announced the winners for the first three weeks of its ongoing Golden Futsal Challenge promotion.

Ahmed Sain Ismail Shiyam, the first-week winner, received a 203-liter refrigerator. Aminath Rasheeda, selected for the second week, was awarded an oven, while Abdulla Nasir, the third-week winner, received a sofa. Ooredoo has confirmed the delivery of prizes to all three winners.


The promotion is aligned with the tournament's match days, with Ooredoo offering its services through a dedicated tent at the Rehendhi Turf Ground. Participants stand a chance to win valuable prizes every week, including televisions, fridges, sofas, ovens, and more.

To take part in the lucky draw, individuals can visit the Ooredoo tent, purchase prepaid, postpaid, or Supernet services, and acquire a 5G device.


The tent serves as a hub for Ooredoo's promotional activities during the significant Golden Futsal Challenge, recognized as the country's largest futsal tournament. Ooredoo proudly holds the position of platinum sponsor for the tournament, which welcomes participation from all islands across the nation. All matches are held at the Rehendi Turf Ground in Hulhumalé.

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