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Maldives opens registration for Investment Forum

Fathmath Shaahunaz
22 September 2016, MVT 11:52
Economic minister Mohamed Saeed (L) speaks with the Indian Ambassador to the Maldives during the inauguration ceremony of Maldives Investment Forum 2016. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/MIHAARU
Fathmath Shaahunaz
22 September 2016, MVT 11:52

The Maldives government inaugurated its annual Investment Forum late Wednesday and opened registration for interested participants.

This year’s forum will be held in Indian capital New Delhi on November 21 and 22 in collaboration with the Indian Chamber of Commerce. Three registration packages were announced at the forum’s inauguration ceremony:


The Platinum package costs USD 35,000 (MVR 539,350). Under this package, the participating firm’s logo and advertisement will be promoted prior to the forum, in the forum’s marketing package and on the backdrop of the official event. Platinum companies and entities will also receive 20 minutes to promote themselves on-stage via the multimedia screen during the Investment Forum, in addition to a page in the Invest Maldives magazine and opportunities to meet potential investors. The package admits five representatives of the company to attend the official forum and banquet, as well as four additional VIP passes for other areas.


The Gold package costs USD 25,000 (MVR 385,250). The package offers a smaller stall than Platinum for its participants and does not include company promotions before the forum or on the official backdrop. However, Gold package participants will receive 20 minutes to present themselves on-stage via the multimedia screen and half a page in the Invest Maldives magazine. The package admits four representatives of the company to attend the official forum and banquet, with three additional VIP passes.


The Silver package costs USD 15,000 (MVR 231,150). Though it does not offer a stall, participants may acquire one at an additional cost of USD 4,900 (MVR 75,509). Participants must also pay another USD 3,900 (MVR 60,099) for the opportunity to promote their firms on-stage via the multimedia screen. The package admits three representatives of the company to attend the official forum and banquet without additional VIP passes.

Interested companies and parties can register for the Investment Forum at its official website (www.investmaldives.org) or by contacting the economic ministry.

Following the inauguration, economic minister Mohamed Saeed declared in his speech that the Maldives Investment Forum holds high priority with the government as it is a platform that not only connects them with investors, but also strengthens the Maldives’ diplomatic relations with foreign states and opens new doors for the archipelago’s trade and economy.

“The Maldives is open for business. That’s our message,” said the minister.

Noting that India is one of the closest states to the Maldives in terms of trade, Minister Saeed also expressed hopes for stronger relations between the two South Asian neighbours with the Investment Forum.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom had opted to hold this year’s Investment Forum in India during his visit to the South Asian neighbour last year. With the Indian government’s avowed assistance in hosting the forum, the Maldives’ foreign minister Mohamed Asim had visited the nation last year and met with India’s Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj, to discuss arrangements.

The Maldives had previously held two Investment Forums abroad with 2015’s forum held in Chinese capital Beijing and the previous year’s in Singapore. The government had sought investors for several large infrastructural projects during both forums, including the development of Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA), the commercial harbour in Thilafushi island and the iHavan integrated development project.