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International bunkering services to commence on September 12

Maldives Ports Limited has said that the International Bunkering Services in the northernmost region of Maldives, Ihavandhippolhu, will commence on September 12.

Mariyath Mohamed
04 September 2024, MVT 15:02
Mariyath Mohamed
04 September 2024, MVT 15:02

Maldives Ports Limited has said that the International Bunkering Services in the northernmost region of Maldives, Ihavandhippolhu, will commence on September 12.

Bunkering services in Ihavandhippolhu (Haa Alif atoll) are being set up by MPL, together with State Trading Organization (STO).

MPL CEO Mohamed Wajeeh Ibrahim said today that the final preparations are currently in progress. He stated that the special premises for bunkering service staff, the 'Uligamu Interrnational Ship and Port Security Gate', will also be opened on Wednesday next week.

Wajeeh said that after these premises are opened, bunkering services for foreign vessels will commence on Thursday.

STO and MPL are planning a special ceremony to mark the commencement of these services.

Yesterday, the Uthuru Maritime Services (UMS), a website dedicated to maritime services to be provided in the north, was launched. Vessels can schedule services ahead through using this website.

STO had entered an agreement with Netherlands' Vitol company in last March to set up the International Bunkering Facility in the Maldives Economic Gateway (Ihavandhippolhu).

Due to the geographic location of Maldives, about 300 cargo ships travel near Ihavandhippolhu daily, the government has said earlier.

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