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Aasandha's first employee becomes its new MD

Mohamed Rehan
28 November 2023, MVT 16:46
The new Managing Director of Aasandha Private Limited Aminath Zeeniya-- Photo: Aasandha
Mohamed Rehan
28 November 2023, MVT 16:46

The first-ever staff employed to Aasandha Company has been appointed as its new Managing Director.

The new MD of Aasandha, Aminath Zeeniya, joined the company in 2012 as a Medical Director, when the company was run under the mandate of Allied Insurance Company of the Maldives.

Aasandha began operating as a separate entity officially in 2014.

After joining the company as the Medical Director, Zeeniya had also served as its Assistant General Manager and General Manager.

Zeeniya holds a Masters Degree in nursing and public health.

Prior to her appointment, the position was held by Ismail Azzam Wajeeh.

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